Generating new sources of business and revenue.


The Bridge


The Bridge

Do you want to amp up your company generated business game? The Bridge is where the real estate, relocation and mobility industry can discover how taking a new path doesn’t have to be scary. Teresa R. Howe is an expert in her field with years of successful program and services development and management. She has a passion for helping companies be the best they can be. Do you want more revenue, more customers and better experience management? Get tips on how to compete more effectively in a world of constant change and disruption. You might also come across some random thoughts that just pop into her head.

How We Can Save Ourselves from Extinction

Business is down at least 20%. How will you protect yourself and your department and position it for the future? It’s time to think about what we do differently and look at our role in our company in a new way. Are you up for the challenge?

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Teresa Howe
Mentoring for our Future

As our industry ages, we have to figure out a way to attract talent with the right skill sets. It means not being threatened by those with better tech skills or more education. We can’t lose our institutional and experiential knowledge as relocation professionals retire. We must draw young talent to our profession.

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Teresa Howe
Why Company Culture is More Important Than Ever

Company culture is about to be front and center in the real estate industry. Changes are coming and it is going to take strong and passionate leadership to ensure that we all move in the right direction for the best interest of all stakeholders. Does your department have a solid place in your company culture? Read on to see how you might improve it.

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Teresa Howe
A Tribute to Rob Johnson

I have made a lot of awesome friends in the real estate and relocation industry. I count Rob Johnson as one of them. I couldn’t let him slip away without honoring him as a person and a professional who has contributed so much.

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Teresa Howe
Real Estate Industry in Chaos...Is There Opportunity?

The real estate industry seems to be in the middle of a perfect storm. And on the surface, there doesn’t seem to be anything good about this storm…or maybe there is. When you look at these challenges from 30,000 feet you can see there might be some opportunity there. Maybe it’s time we reimagine everything to everyone’s benefit. Here are some tips to stay ahead of the storm.

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Teresa Howe