Generating new sources of business and revenue.


The Bridge


The Bridge

Do you want to amp up your company generated business game? The Bridge is where the real estate, relocation and mobility industry can discover how taking a new path doesn’t have to be scary. Teresa R. Howe is an expert in her field with years of successful program and services development and management. She has a passion for helping companies be the best they can be. Do you want more revenue, more customers and better experience management? Get tips on how to compete more effectively in a world of constant change and disruption. You might also come across some random thoughts that just pop into her head.

Why You Might Benefit from a Mentor and a Consultant

We are so fortunate to have so many giving people in our industry to act as mentors. I have had more along the way than I can name. They helped me in real estate, relocation, general business management, and leadership. And they did it all by leading by example. Some knew they were mentoring me and some didn’t. I like to think I may have mentored a few folks along the way too.

So when I became a consultant, I thought back on all of those people and what I learned from them. And I thought about what I didn’t learn from them. While mentors lead by example, they do it based on what works for them, their personality, and their company.

But as a consultant, I have to step back from my own experiences and apply all that I have learned from many companies and situations to the specific person or company I have been hired to help. Most networks, industry groups, and brands have mentoring programs that allow newer people to seek guidance from those that have successfully mastered their craft. They are people to admire and strive to be like.  I am a big believer in mentorship programs, they are critical in welcoming new people into the fold and giving them a resource for support.

Mentorship is not one size fits all

Where mentors leave a gap is when a company or person has a very specific need or situation. That isn’t really a mentor’s job who is outside of your own company to help modify behavior or correct a situation or grow your business. You can certainly copy what they have done, but their program or service, or way of doing business may not be a perfect fit for your company or for you.

As we know, our business models are not one size fits all. Each market and company has a unique culture and personality. We can’t really expect external mentors to help diagnose challenges, train extensively, or spend an inordinate amount of time supporting their mentees. And unless it is a specifically outlined mentorship program, each party may have different ideas of what the relationship means.

You have to step back for perspective

When I start consulting with a brokerage, I let all of the stakeholders know that I am going to look at things differently than they do. I look at it from 30,000 feet. When we are too close to something, we often can’t see where the weaknesses are. Or we are too emotionally invested in something to change it. Or it is just easier to not change some things for fear of disruption or failure.

I have the ability, based on my experience, to show my clients how changes or growth will ultimately reap much greater rewards even if it means a moment of discomfort or uncertainty. I don’t want to create havoc, I want to help enrich what is already being done. But the key is that I am careful to apply my advice to their very specific entity and situation. When people ask me what I do, it is so many different things I find it hard to put into words. I never want my clients to feel threatened by my role as an advisor. I am here to help and offer solutions. It is up to the client what they want to act upon.

Customization is the key

When I hear from brokers that are going through staff transitions or are new to the relocation industry say that they are going to depend on a mentoring program to get them going, I hesitate. Mentors are a critical part of our relocation industry culture in many ways. They are immensely helpful in introducing newbies to the right industry connections which are critical to creating a successful department. But consultants are essential to setting up an entity to weather the future. Not only weather it but thrive in it. Different challenges call for different solutions that are customized to the very specific need of the situation. An outside perspective with no bias towards a specific way of doing things can help set the tone and culture of your business lines that uniquely fit your brand.  

While you may think you don’t need a consultant because your business is fine, what if it could be spectacular? What if you could expand your service delivery in such a way that made your company-generated business lines the heart of the company and you the star of the show? Let me know how I can help you take the spotlight.

“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” ~ Steven Spielberg, American filmmaker, director, writer, and producer.

Teresa Howe