Life Hacks for the Relocation Director
Life hacks is defined as: An usually simple and clever tip or technique for accomplishing some familiar task more easily and efficiently. They are all about eliminating life's many frustrations in simple and deliciously clever ways. Social media is full of them. How to cut a watermelon, clean Tupperware, short cut recipes, they are endless. As we all know, there is nothing easy about running a relocation department and managing the mobility and real estate process. But here are some life hacks for Relocation Directors to stay on track and kill it out there.
Issue: I don’t have enough staff and very little budget to add help.
Solution: Consider creating a consortium with non-competing brokers to share a staff person. Reach out to local universities to find some interns or seek out some part time staff. See if other departments in your company have a staff person they might be willing to share if your department covers part of their salary. Ensure you are using your software tracking system to its fullest to cut down on administrative needs.
Issue: I don’t have enough time in my day to get anything done besides what’s coming at me.
Solution: Create a day with intention. Carve out time in each day for specific tasks no matter what is going on around you. Some things can wait an hour or two and keeps you on track with business development efforts. Try not to spend your day reacting. If we don’t focus on increasing our business and solidifying relationships, don’t be surprised when it declines or stays flat.
Issue: I feel like I don’t get enough support from my Broker and my company.
Solution: Think about what you and your staff can do to support your leadership. Can you help with recruiting and retention? Volunteer for a committee? Is there a company event coming up you can offer to help with? Set up a companywide fundraising event. By giving back, it makes it much easier to ask for support when we need it. You won’t just be thought of as Relocation, you become an integral part of leadership.
Issue: I don’t feel like my broker understands my business.
Solution: Ask for 15 minutes in an executive meeting every quarter to give an industry update about what is happening in mobility around the world. It shows them you are a subject matter expert and you aren’t asking them for anything, just informing them. Worldwide ERC always has great information you can share. Bring them into your world by providing easy to read and concise reports that highlight your successes.
Issue: My broker won’t let me attend industry meetings.
Solution: Your broker may think that industry conferences are just a boondoggle. The key to show them a list of attendees and meetings scheduled with sources of business. Then show them how much business you get from each those sources. Contacts = dollars. Give them a full report of the people you plan on meeting with and give them an industry update when you return to show them what you have learned at the educational forum.
Issue: I don’t know what my broker wants from me.
Solution: Ask them. Is it profit, service, revenue, new customers, additional transactions? Or all of the above? Make sure you know your priorities. If we don’t have a clear mission for our department, we can’t lead it in the direction that is expected so we achieve the desired results. Ask to receive your financials so you have a clear picture of what your department contributes to the bottom line.
Issue: I feel like I am not progressing in my job.
Solution: Create a Clear View Of Success Statement. Whether it’s personal goals, department or company goals, commit it in writing. What have I gotten done? What are my priorities? What are my measurable tasks? Who is executing the tasks and how long will it take to accomplish them? What resources do I need? Where do I want to be a year from now? Make sure everyone in your department and your leadership has clarity regarding what the priorities are to achieve your goals.
Issue: My reports from my tracking software aren’t correct.
Solution: Bad data in, bad data out. If the people entering the data in the system aren’t on the same wavelength, then you will never get clean reports. Have set rules on when to use ‘dead’ or ‘don’t count’ on referrals. Until everyone is really clear on how to enter the data, there has to be constant oversight. Run regular reports to spot check the data, so you don’t end up with a big clean up from inconsistent data entry. You can’t tell your story if you don’t have accurate reports. Work with your provider to get what you need from the system.
Issue: Requested agent referrals are driving me crazy!
Solution: We always have to remember that requested/preferred agents can’t be expected to understand the nuances of a relocation transaction. We have to go to them with empathy and help them understand that we have to be a team for the client’s benefit. Real estate agents are independent contractors and by the very nature of our relationship with them, we can only require so much. It takes patience and educating branch managers and leadership about these situations will help them be on your team when it happens and help diffuse the situation. These transactions are no fun for anyone. Sometimes its just about getting through the transaction with relationships intact, not making a profit on it.
Issue: We have multiple entities who expect a referral fee on one referral!
Solution: This is a tricky one. Diligent record keeping in your database and checking every referral when they come in can prevent your department from getting stuck in a duplicate situation. The challenge is when agents accept referrals in your company directly and then they come through your department from another source. Spend a significant amount of time educating your leadership and agent population regarding the hazards of signing referral agreements and accepting leads without checking with relocation first. If it happens anyway, try and find a way to make everyone happy with the least amount of pain. It’s good to have a policy around the situation, but looking at each situation individually is key to determining the best outcome. Teach your agents to ask clients if they are relocating for a job, it will send up a red flag that a referral fee may be due.
For some awesome real life hacks, click here: 100 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier